999 Listed at Catex
999 token is now listed on Catex exchange. Available markets.ETH and TRX
999 Coin is Based on Ethereum ERC20 technology, that brings scalability and security to users, and will reach the market with the prospect of revolutionizing the definition of exchanges. An exclusive benefit like progressive discounts on the brokerage fee will be afforded to acknowledged coin holders.
Website: https://coin999.cash/
Whitepaper: https://1drv.ms/b/s!AqiTY53W2COmgulglGZKaIicPKnXcQ
Cmc link: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/999-coin
Warning: The investment on cryptocurrency projects is subject to high market risks.Please make your investments cautiously, catex will make best efforts to choose the cryptocurrency projects with high quality,but catex will not be responsible for any of your investment losses.