June 22nd, 2019 Cat.Ex Update
Last week, the community voted in majority to stop the mining transaction system temporarily until the price of Catex Token is restored to 20 Satoshi. As a result, daily dividends have also been halted until the team restarts the process. We know sharing dividends is one of our most influential factors in gaining market share, however we are developing more use cases for Catex investors and they will be arriving soon. We have many events ongoing and new features being released this upcoming week.
Trading Competitions
Credit Trading Competition
110,000,000 Credit + $600 worth BTC Trading Competition will start soon.
Event period: June 24th, 10:00 AM UTC until July 24th, 10:00 AM UTC
The leaderboard could be checked from here https://www.catex.io/report/terra (Will be available on June 27th)
- A real time leaderboard will be posted via our social media platforms each day. You can see your position at https://www.catex.io/report/terra 2. Scores will be counted as buying + selling power with the Credit/BTC, Credit/ETH pairings.
3. Multiple accounts by same user will not qualify
4. There must be a minimum of $200 trading volume for the participant to qualify for prizes
1st place receives $300 worth BTC + 10,000,000 CREDIT
2nd place receives $200 worth BTC + 10,000,000 CREDIT
3rd place receives $100 worth BTC + 10,000,000 CREDIT
4–10th place share 70,000,000 CREDIT
11–20th place lottery — One person will be chosen to win 10,000,000 (we will announce the lottery rules after the event end)
Typerium Trading Competition
1,000,000. Typerium Trading Competition has started.
Event period: June 22nd, 10:00 AM UTC until July 3rd, 10:00 AM UTC
The leaderboard could be checked from here https://www.catex.io/report/type (Will be availabe on June 25th)
- A real time leaderboard will be posted via our social media platforms each day. You can see your position at https://www.catex.io/report/TYPE
2. Scores will be counted as buying + selling power with the type/BTC, type/ETH pairings.
3. Multiple accounts by same user will not qualify
4. There must be a minimum of $500 trading volume for the participant to qualify for prizes
1st place receives 300,000. TYPE
2nd place receives 200,000 TYPE
3rd place receives 150,000 TYPE
4th place RECEIVES 100,000 TYPE
5th place receives 100,000 TYPE
6th place recives 100,000 TYPE
7th receives 50,000. TYPE
StrongHands Masternode Trading Competition
FIRST ROUND 1,000 SHMN (Full Masternode) Trading Competition.
Event period: June 10th, 10:00 AM UTC until July 10th, 10:00 AM UTC
The leaderboard could be checked from here
https://www.catex.io/report/shmn (Will be available on June 14th)
- A real time leaderboard will be posted via our social media platforms each day.
You can see your position at https://www.catex.io/report/shmn
2. Scores will be counted as buying + selling power with the SHMN/BTC market
3. Multiple accounts by same user will not qualify
4. There must be a minimum of $2000 trading volume for the participant to qualify for prizes
- The 1st place winner will receives 1,000 SHMN (Full Masternode) + eligibility into the SECOND ROUND
2. From the 2nd place — the 50th place investors are eligible to participate in the SECOND ROUND SHMN contest (The prizes will increase in the second round)
Upcoming Airdrop for Catex Token Lockers
To celebrate the launch of Typerium, 4 million TYPE will be distributed to all users locking minimum of 100k for 30days and above.
Event Time: From June 22nd 10:00am UTC. to July 5th 10:00am UTC
During the event period, users who successfully lock minimum of 100k CATT for 30days and above will share 4m TYPE rewards.
Contract address:https://etherscan.io/address/0x85EafC29690c6D64C8513499B6Bea8864fBEb6D7#tokentxns
Telegram: https://t.me/typerium
New Feature Released this Week
[Good news! CATT will be used as transaction fee]
Locked Catex tokens are now eligible to pay for transactions fees. This is a new feature that will go live next week.
If you have locked CATT tokens, and you execute a trade, then you will get 30% reduced fee.
See the following example:
You sell ETH on ETH/BTC and receive 1 BTC. Fees are calculated from the currency you’re receiving at a rate of 0.1%, so you owe Cat.Ex 0.001 BTC. From there, if you are opted in to paying fees with CATT, the 30% discount is applied (0.001 BTC -> 0.0007 BTC) and then the exchange rate applied. If the exchange rate is roughly 25,000,000 CATT = 1 BTC, the fee would then be 17,500 CATT. If you have 17,500 or more CATT in your account, that’s the fee you pay. Otherwise you pay 0.001 BTC.
By default everyone who locked their Catex tokens are opted in to paying fees with CATT.
If you don’t want to pay with CATT, you can disable this features after you login
Upcoming Schedule
- Whitepaper will be released on June 30th
- Partnership announcement will happen this week
- Release of mobile app screenshots will also happen this week
- 30% discount on Catex Token transaction system will go live
- Locked CATT holders are eligible for $TYPE airdrop